Americas and Caribbean Initiatives
AgMIP studies in these regions include the following (see Ruane et al. 2017):
North America
Canola, C3MP, Maize1, Potato, Wheat2a, Wheat2b
Latin America
C3MP, Maize1, Sugarcane, Potato, Wheat1, Wheat2b

North America
Through advances in AgMIP platform and community we aim to address the impact of changes in land use, climate, soil and management, on the resiliency, adaptation and mitigation potential of N-America agricultural systems across multiple spatial and temporal scales… Read More

Latin America and Caribbean
Define Stakeholder needs and desired impact of AgMIP in the LAC. Contextualize the current use and demand of modelling outputs to inform the planning processes in the region. The session will provide information on the extent of the use of modelling tools, modelling capacities and research priorities for the region, based on previous experiences… Read More