Asia and Australasia Initiatives
AgMIP studies in these regions include the following (see Ruane et al. 2017):
Canola, C3MP, RIA, Rice1, Rice2, Wheat1, Wheat2b
Canola, C3MP, Livestock, Wheat1, Wheat2b

Pakistan Regional Integrated Assessment
The province of Punjab, Pakistan, is consistently met with challenges for agricultural productivity. A harsh climate with warm temperatures and dry conditions will only be worsened in the coming future. Climate change impacts could exacerbate conditions by making the seasonal monsoon and the timing of crop planting more difficult to discern… Read More

Southern India Regional Integrated Assessment
Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are the two areas of focus within AgMIP’s South India regional Team. In recent years, farmers have seen their yields diminish due to inconsistent and unseasonal rainfall. If trends like this continue into the future, the agricultural industry of the area would be tested greatly… Read More

Indo-Gangetic Basin Regional Integrated Assessment
The Indo-Gangetic Basin is located across the northeastern border of India and includes portions of Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan. The region has seen increased variability in its monsoonal season along with more frequent extreme weather phenomena such as heat waves and intense rainfall. These anomalies can have major impacts on the agriculture industry in this part of the world… Read More

Asia Region
Integration of these initiatives with AgMIP: Identify missing links and possibilities. National level economic assessment models are missing (Regional/subnational available). AgMIP should build up another layer on Broader economy, policy, social safety net, changing trade policies… Read More

National Initiatives in Australia includes: World food supply. Region specific climate/crop/economic models includes: APSIM. Related issues includes: Huge climate variability… Read More