New IFPRI Website Features Climate Change & Food Policy
Sep 9, 2014
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) has launched a new website dedicated to climate change and food policy research and impacts. The website covers news, event updates, project profiles, and shares related materials from across their climate change research portfolio, including results from the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and AgMIP.
In the lead up to the web site, IFPRI has prepared an exciting new series of blog stories to read, share, and comment on (see descriptions and links below.)
Please check out the new site at:
Featured Blog Posts:
New climate change report shows innovative tool to measure value of climate services for farmers
Climate information can be a powerful tool in helping rural communities adapt to climate risk. But not all information is created equal, nor is access to information equal.

Photo: IFPRI/Ian Masias
To better understand the value of climate information in these communities, researchers started out by asking: does climate information matter to women farmers?
A recently released report put together by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and partners, outlines what has been learnt from engaging in projects to deliver climate services to smallholder farmers across Africa and South Asia.
Learn more and download the report, which includes a well-structured monitoring and evaluation framework from the project at:
Forest cover and carbon stocks at risk as road network expands in Democratic Republic of Congo
Plans to expand road networks in the Democratic Republic of Congo are threatening forest cover in the country with losses in biological carbon stock and biodiversity as immediate consequences. This reveals a recently released article that has developed a land use model to assess the environmental impacts of existing plans for road development in the country.
Analysing climate resilience within the climate-smart agriculture concept
Providing advice on which climate-smart farm practice to choose given a specific context is difficult. Here’s why: