Maize Evapotranspiration (Maize ET)
Main contacts for Initiative
Bruce Kimball, Ken Boote, Claudio Stockle, Jerry Hatfield
Inter-compare Maize growth models in their ability to simulate evapotranspiration (ET)
Overview of participants
At least 18 maize modeling groups from around the world

Current research focus
A main research finding is that models have a huge range in their ability to simulate ET, as compared to eddy covariance data from Ames, Iowa. Much of the variation was traced to their simulations of “potential” ET. Surprisingly, among the best models, some were simple and some were complex. To further elucidate the best approaches for simulating ET and improving the models, a second round of inter-comparisons is being initiated. This time better datasets will be used which include eddy covariance data from Mead, NE and lysimeter data from Bushland, TX.
Simulation of maize evapotranspiration: An inter-comparison among 29 maize models
Kimball, B., K. Boote, J. Hatfeld, L.. Ahuja, C. Stockle, S. Archontoulis, C. Baron, B. Basso, P. Bertuzzi, J. Constantin, D. Deryng, B. Dumont, J-L. Durand, F. Ewert, T. Gaiser, S. Gayler, M. Hoffmann, Q. Jiang, S-H. Kim, J. Lizaso, S. Moulin, C. Nendel, P. Parker, T. Palosuo, E. Priesack, Z. Qi, A. Srivastava, T. Stella, F. Tao, K. R. Thorp, D. Timlin, T. E. Twine, H. Webber, M. Willaume, K. Williams, 2019: Simulation of maize evapotranspiration: An inter-comparison among 29 maize models. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology: Volume 271, 15 June 2019, pp. 264-284,