Livestock and Grassland Pilot
Main Contact for Initiative
Livestock modeling leader: Phil Thornton
Grassland & rangeland modeling leaders: J.-F. Soussana & G. Bellocchi
The aim of the livestock and grassland is to intercompare and further develop a range of models to be applied internationally, especially for climate change impact projections. The initial activities of the Livestock & Grasslands group were discussed during past AgMIP meetings (San Antonio, 2011 and Rome, 2012).

Fiona Ehrhardt, Jean‐François Soussana, Gianni Bellocchi, Peter Grace, Russel McAuliffe, Sylvie Recous, Renáta Sándor, Pete Smith, Val Snow, Massimiliano de Antoni Migliorati, Bruno Basso, Arti Bhatia, Lorenzo Brilli, Jordi Doltra, Christopher D. Dorisch, Luca Doro, Nuala Fitton, Sandro J. Giacomini, Brian Grant, Matthew T. Harrison, Stephanie K. Jones, Miko U. F. Kirschbaum, Katja Klumpp, Patricia Laville, Joël Léonard, Mark Liebig, Mark Lieffering, Raphaël Martin, Raia S. Massad, Elizabeth Meier, Lutz Merbold, Andrew D. Moore, Vasileios Myrgiotis, Paul Newton, Elizabeth Pattey, Susanne Rolinski, Joanna Sharp, Ward N. Smith, Lianhai Wu, Qing Zhang, 2017: Assessing uncertainties in crop and pasture ensemble model simulations of productivity and N2O emissions. Global Change Biology, Volume24, Issue2, pages e603-e616, doi:
Renáta Sándor, Fiona Ehrhardt, Lorenzo Brilli, Marco Carozzi, Sylvie Recous, Pete Smith, Val Snow, Jean-François Soussana, Christopher D.Dorich, Kathrin Fuchs, Nuala Fitton, Kate Gongadze, Katja Klumpp, Mark Liebig, Raphaël Martin, Lutz Merbold, Paul C.D. Newton, Robert M. Rees, Susanne Rolinski, Gianni Bellocchi, 2018: Science of The Total Environment:Volume 642, 15 November 2018, Pages 292-306, doi: