Hats off to the 4th Annual AgMIP Global Workshop!

Hats off to the 4th Annual AgMIP Global Workshop!

Agenda, Participant List, Poster Abstracts, Workshop Report  Presentations, Work Group Reports, Poster PDFs As the fine autumn weather continued in late October in New York City, the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) convened its...

Agricultural Stakeholders Contribute to AgMIP Research

By: Shari Lifson Throughout the world, communities dependent on agricultural systems are vulnerable to food insecurity. Each agricultural system is associated with a unique set of environmental and economic conditions and changes in those conditions could affect the...

John Antle new AgMIP Co-Principal Investigator

The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) is pleased to announce the addition of John Antle as a Co-Principal Investigator along with current Co-PIs Cynthia Rosenzweig, Jim Jones, and Jerry Hatfield. Dr. Antle, professor at Oregon State...