Australasia Region
Main Contact for Initiative
Australia: Dr. Peter Thorburn
Brief Description of Activity
National Initiatives
- Australia – World food supply
Region specific models – climate/ crop/ economic
- Australia: APSIM
How integration of these initiatives with AgMIP
- Identify missing links and possibilities
- National level economic assessment models are missing (Regional/ subnational available)
- AgMIP should build up another layer on Broader economy, policy, social safety net, changing trade policies
- Australia – AgMIP – Virtual GroupCollaboration with ACIAR, SAARC, ASEAN and other groups
Overview of Participants
Represented by scientists India, Australia and China covering National (ICAR, TNAU, USDA/FAS) and International (ICRISAT, IFFRI, CSIRO, Univ. of YORK)
Huge climate variability – SCF to help them adjust / Mitigation is of primary interest of farmers – Carbon market and economics / Nutrition security – 80% of the produce is exported / World food supply – Expanding the cultivation in Northern Australia

Reports or Papers submitted/published soon
Regional Assessment book chapters -2
Journal articles – 3 from South India + 2 from IGB Austral: Mitigation in Australian range Farms
Push Mechanism
- What pressing problems require scientific solution?
- Single crop to cropping system analysis – developing local experiences to run the model
- Expanding AgMIP activities to new crops
- Extreme events – primary & Secondary impacts
Pull Mechanism
- What pressing problems require scientific solution?
Link with national economists and economic modellers who need the information coming from AgMIP to better understand the impacts of shocks on crops/ livelihoods, etc