AgMIP Machine Learning (AgML)
Main contacts for Initiative
Ioannis Athanasiadis
Latest News
- AgML Workshop: January 22-24, 2024, Wageningen University
Launch AgMIP activities on the interface of artificial intelligence and agricultural modelling:
- How ML can help improve Ag modelling?
- Does Ag poses new challenges for ML/AI?
Topics – Good practices and first examples of:
- Surrogate models for ag model improvement
- Hybrid models (i.e. models that combine process-based and machine learning blocks)

Overview of Participants
Ioannis Athanasiadis, Ron van Bree (WUR), Andres Castellano, Alex Ruane (NASA/GISS), Lily-belle Sweet, Jakob Zscheischler (UFZ)
Open to new participants!
Current Research Focus
- Agenda-setting paper – in preparation to be submitted by the end of 2023
- Launch first protocol for model inter comparison
Recent Noteworthy Finding
- Focus on multi-metric protocols
AgMIP9 Goals
- Launch activities – attract members
- Share first ideas about protocols/data/metrics
- Shape a position paper