AgMIP Becomes a GRA Partner
Oct 9, 2019
The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) brings governments, research institutions, and other organizations together to find ways to grow more food (and more climate-resilient food systems) without increasing greenhouse gas emissions. It has 57 member countries from all regions of the world, and maintains partnerships with international and regional organizations such as The World Bank, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, CGIAR, Climate and Clean Air Coalition, World Farmers Organization, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
At its 2018 Council meeting, held in Berlin, Germany, the GRA members affirmed their strong interest to increase the participation of agricultural research organizations and earlier this year, the GRA invited AgMIP to become a formal partner of the alliance.

The GRA Charter provides for partnerships to be formed between the GRA Council and other relevant organizations to ensure maximum efficiency of the global research effort and to identify opportunities for coordination and collaboration.
Dr. Cynthia Rosenzweig, AgMIP Executive Committee member, represented AgMIP at the 2019 GRA Council meeting held in Bali, Indonesia earlier this month, where she presented an overview of AgMIP work to the GRA members and discussed potential areas for collaboration.
Potential synergies and collaborative activities include:
- Using the modeling power in AgMIP to test and demonstrate the benefits of improved agricultural practices and realistic/prospective mitigation options for agricultural productivity, profitability, and greenhouse gas emissions and global mitigation costs.
- Integrating GRA knowledge and inventories into AgMIP Regional Integrated Assessment (RIA) methodology, including the Representative Agricultural Pathways (RAPs) to advise national-scale decision-making (NDCs, Science Plans, NIPs investments).
- Exploring trade-offs related to competition for land between bioenergy/mitigation strategies and food security.
AgMIP looks forward to a fruitful partnership with GRA.