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Horton, R.M., C. Rosenzweig, W. Solecki, D.A. Bader, and L. Sohl, 2016: Climate science for decision-making in the New York metropolitan region. In Climate in Context: Science and Society Partnering for Adaptation. A.S. Parris, G.M. Garfin, K. Dow, R. Meyer, and S.L. Close, Eds. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 51-74,

Rosenzweig, C., J. Antle, and J. Elliott, 2016: Assessing impacts of climate change on food security worldwide. Eos, 97, no. 8, 11, doi:10.1029/2016EO047387.

Sobel, A., S.J. Camargo, W. Debucquoy, G. Deodatis, M. Gerrard, T. Hall, R. Hallman, J. Keenan, O. Lall, M.A. Levy, B. Orlove, C. Rosenzweig, R. Seager, J. Shaman, and M. Tippett, 2016: Extreme Weather and Climate: Workshop Report. J. Extreme Events, 3, no. 1, 1671001, doi:10.1142/S234573761671001.

Solecki, W., C. Rosenzweig, S. Solecki, L. Patrick, R. Horton, and M. Dorsch, 2016: New York, USA. In Cities on a Finite Planet: Towards Transformative Responses to Climate Change. S. Bartlett and D. Satterthwaite, Eds. Routledge, pp. 169-184,

Cammarano, D., R.P. Rötter, S. Asseng, F. Ewert, D. Wallach, P. Martre, J.L. Hatfield, J.W. Jones, C. Rosenzweig, A.C. Ruane, K.J. Boote, P.J. Thorburn, K.C. Kersebaum, P.K. Aggarwal, C. Angulo, B. Basso, P. Bertuzzi, C. Biernath, N. Brisson, A.J. Challinor, J. Doltra, S. Gayler, R. Goldberg, L. Heng, J.E. Hooker, L.A. Hunt, J. Ingwersen, R.C. Izaurralde, C. Müller, S.N. Kumar, C. Nendel, G. O’Leary, J.E. Olesen, T.M. Osborne, E. Priesack, D. Ripoche, P. Steduto, C.O. Stöckle, P. Stratonovitch, T. Streck, I. Supit, F. Tao, M. Travasso, K. Waha, J.W. White, and J. Wolf, 2016: Uncertainty of wheat water use: Simulated patterns and sensitivity to temperature and CO2Field Crops Res.198, 80-92, doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2016.08.015.

Confalonieri, R., S. Bregaglio, M. Adam, F. Ruget, T. Li, T. Hasegawa, X. Yin, Y. Zhu, K. Boote, S. Buis, T. Fumoto, D. Gaydon, T. Lafarge, M. Marcaida, H. Nakagawa, A.C. Ruane, B. Singh, U. Singh, L. Tang, F. Tao, J. Fugice, H. Yoshida, Z. Zhang, L.T. Wilson, J. Baker, Y. Yang, Y. Masutomi, D. Wallach, M. Acutis, and B. Bouman, 2016: A taxonomy-based approach to shed light on the babel of mathematical models for rice simulations. Environ. Model. Softw.85, 332-341, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.09.007.

Deryng, D., J. Elliott, A.C. Ruane, C. Folberth, C. Müller, T.A.M. Pugh, E. Schmid, K.J. Boote, D. Conway, D. Gerten, J.W. Jones, N. Khabarov, S. Olin, S. Schaphoff, H. Yang, and C. Rosenzweig, 2016: Regional disparities in the beneficial effects of rising CO2 concentrations on crop water productivity. Nature Clim. Change6, no. 8, 786-790, doi:10.1038/nclimate2995.

Glotter, M.J., A.C. Ruane, E.J. Moyer, and J.W. Elliott, 2016: Evaluating the reliability of reanalysis as a substitute for observational data in large-scale agricultural assessments. J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol.55, no. 3, 579-594, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-15-0120.1.

Liu, B., S. Asseng, C. Müller, F. Ewert, J. Elliott, D.B. Lobell, P. Martre, A.C. Ruane, D. Wallach, J.W. Jones, C. Rosenzweig, P.K. Aggarwal, P.D. Alderman, J. Anothai, B. Basso, C. Biernath, D. Cammarano, A. Challinor, D. Deryng, G. De Sanctis, J. Doltra, E. Fereres, C. Folberth, M. Garcia-Vila, S. Gayler, G. Hoogenboom, L.A. Hunt, R.C. Izaurralde, M. Jabloun, C.D. Jones, K.C. Kersebaum, B.A. Kimball, A.-K. Koehler, S.N. Kumar, C. Nendel, G. O’Leary, J.E. Olesen, M.J. Ottman, T. Palosuo, P.V.V. Prasad, E. Priesack, T.A.M. Pugh, M. Reynolds, E.E. Rezaei, R.P. Rötter, E. Schmid, M.A. Semenov, I. Shcherbak, E. Stehfest, C.O. Stöckle, P. Stratonovitch, T. Streck, I. Supit, F. Tao, P. Thorburn, K. Waha, G.W. Wall, E. Wang, J.W. White, J. Wolf, Z. Zhao, and Y. Zhu, 2016: Similar negative impacts of temperature on global wheat yield estimated by three independent methods. Nature Clim. Change6, no. 12, 1130-1136, doi:10.1038/nclimate3115.

Ruane, A.C., N.I. Hudson, S. Asseng, D. Camarrano, F. Ewert, P. Martre, K.J. Boote, P.J. Thorburn, P.K. Aggarwal, C. Angulo, D. Basso, P. Bertuzzi, C. Biernath, N. Brisson, A.J. Challinor, J. Doltra, S. Gayler, R. Goldberg, R.F. Grant, L. Heng, J. Hooker, L.A. Hunt, J. Ingwersen, R.C. Izaurralde, K.C. Kersebaum, S.N. Kumar, C. Nendel, G. O’Leary, J.E. Olesen, T.M. Osborne, T. Palosuo, E. Priesack, D. Ripoche, R.P. Rötter, M.A. Semenov, I. Shcherbak, P. Steduto, C.O. Stöckle, P. Stratonovitch, T. Streck, I. Supit, M. Travasso, K. Waha, D. Wallach, J.W. White, and J. Wolf, 2016: Multi-wheat model ensemble responses to interannual climate variability. Environ. Model. Softw.81, 86-101, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.03.008.

Ruane, A.C., C. Teichmann, N. Arnell, T.R. Carter, K.L. Ebi, K. Frieler, C.M. Goodess, B. Hewitson, R. Horton, R.S. Kovats, H.K. Lotze, L.O. Mearns, A. Navarra, D.S. Ojima, K. Riahi, C. Rosenzweig, M. Themessl, and K. Vincent, 2016: The Vulnerability, Impacts, Adaptation and Climate Services Advisory Board (VIACS AB v1.0) contribution to CMIP6. Geosci. Model. Dev.9, 3493-3515, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-3493-2016.

Wallach, D., L.O. Mearns, A.C. Ruane, R.P. Rötter, and S. Asseng, 2016: Lessons from the climate modeling community on the design and use of ensembles for crop modeling. Climatic Change139, no. 3, 551-564, doi:10.1007/s10584-016-1803-1.

Wallach, D., P. Thorburn, S. Asseng, A.J. Challinor, F. Ewert, J.W. Jones, R. Rotter, and A.C. Ruane, 2016: Estimating model prediction error: Should you treat predictions as fixed or random? Environ. Model. Softw.84, 529-539, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.07.010.

Bennetzen, E. H., P. Smith, and J. R. Porter. (2016). Decoupling of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Global Agricultural Production: 1970-2050. Global Change Biology, 22(2), 763–781.

Bennetzen, E. H., P. Smith, and J. R. Porter. (2016). Agricultural Production and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from World regions—The Major Trends over 40 Years. Global Environmental Change, 37, 43–55.

Shikuku, K. M., R.O. Valdivia, B.K. Paul, C. Mwongera, L. Winowiecki, P. Läderach, M. Herrero, and S. Silvestri. (2016). Prioritizing climate-smart livestock technologies in rural Tanzania: A minimum data approach. Agricultural Systems, In Press.

Wolfe, M. L., K.C. Ting, N. Scott, A. Sharpley, J. W. Jones, and L. Verma. (2016). Engineering solutions for food-energy- water systems: It’s more than engineering. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.