Session 1.5: Stakeholders and Decision Support
For a complete list of all of the workshop abstracts click here (PDF).
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Session 1.5: Oral Presentation
Title: EUROCLIMA Biophysical Modelling, for
policy support on agriculture and climate change in Latin America and the
Authors: Maurits van den Berg and J. R. Baide
Abstract: EUROCLIMA is a program of regional
cooperation between the EU and 18 countries in Latin America, focused on
climate change. The specific objective of the current 2nd phase (since 2014) is
to facilitate the integration of climate change mitigation and adaptation
strategies and measures into Latin American public development policies and
plans. Implementing partners are ECLAC, IICA, UNEP, EuropeAid and the JRC.
National Focal Points, designated by Latin American governments, facilitate and
guide the implementation of the programme and promote the application of the
results. The JRC is responsible for the implementation of the biophysical
modelling component of EUROCLIMA: to provide a common platform for sharing and
developing data and model tools that can be used by Latin American institutions
as a basis to test, assess and develop science-based questions relevant to
climate change impact and risk response strategies relevant to
agriculture. The core of this platform is the Biophysical Modelling
Applications (BioMA) framework, which is currently used operationally for
monthly crop forecasts across Europe. BioMA hosts several generic and
crop-specific mainstream models with a common user interface and common input
databases. Current efforts are focussed on enhancing the relevance of the
framework to Latin American stakeholders through a participatory process, thus
improving (i) the technical abilities of the framework, (ii) model
parameterisation for the most important crops in the region and (iii) the
relevance of impact and adaptation scenarios, while concurrently strengthening
and broadening the network of experts as well as the dialogue with policy
stakeholders in the region. The focus in this presentation is on the process
followed, the challenges faced, and lessons learnt so far.
Session 1.5: Oral Presentation
Title: Impact of climate change on West
Africa’s agriculture: a mid-century assessment of the major economic outcomes
for smallholder farmers
Authors: Ibrahima Hathie1, J. Clottey2,
A. Ly1, D.S. MacCarthy2, S. B. Freduah2, A.
Nenkam, M. Adams, G. K. Adiku2, and P.C.S. Traore3
1 Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale, Senegal , 2
University of Ghana, College of Agriculture and Consumer Science, Ghana, 3
International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics, Mali
Abstract: Agriculture
in West Africa is mainly rainfed with a large number of smallholder farmers
dependent on it for their livelihoods. The farming systems are dominated by
cereals and legumes with livestock playing a significant role in the functioning
of the systems. Current policies are aiming for the structural transformation
of the agricultural sector but climate change remains a serious threat in the
minds of many stakeholders. Assessing the sensitivity of these current
agricultural production systems to climate change is of paramount importance
given the likely consequences on the lives of the majority of the population.
Based on 5 GCM predictions for RCP 8.5 and RCP 4.5, we simulate yields for the
main crops in the farming systems of Navrongo (Ghana), Koutiala (Mali) and
Nioro (Senegal) using DSSAT and APSIM crop models. Building on these twenty
(20) different scenarios, we use the Multi-Dimensional tradeoff analysis
framework (TOA-MD) to analyze the vulnerability of smallholder farmers to climate
change in the three sub-regions of West Africa and explored how climate change
will affect the distribution of income and poverty in these farming systems if
adaptations do no occur. Differences in impact on vulnerability among the three
sites will be discussed.
Session 1.5: Oral Presentation
Title: Nation-wide interdisciplinary
assessments of climate change impacts on agriculture and food security
Authors: Mariko Fujisawa, M. Cumani, H. Sasaki,
and H. Kanamaru
Abstract: Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations has been supporting developing countries to conduct nation-wide
assessments of climate change impacts on agriculture and food security. Such
assessments strengthen evidence base about current and future climate impacts,
and support effective adaptation planning and policies at the national level.
Many existing climate change impact studies are conducted at plot (based on
field experiments), or at global/continental scales. Our support to national
assessments (with sub-national disaggregation) is also meant to fill the gaps
in information at the national scale. The challenge of climate change and food
security requires an interdisciplinary approach. Our methodology and software
facilitate a collaborative integrated research that starts from statistical
downscaling of climate projections, and then examines climate impacts on crop
productivity, river water availability, forest species and biomass, agriculture
market, household-level food security, and national economy. Capacity
development and stakeholders’ participation are another focus of our approach.
National scientists are trained to use their country’s own data to run impact
models and produce information which responds to the stakeholders’ needs. This
would contribute to more sustainable institutional capacities of countries to
periodically revise climate change information reflecting new scientific
findings and evidence. We shall present the results of interdisciplinary
assessments from the Philippines, Peru, and Morocco. The same approach will
soon be implemented in Malawi, Zambia, Indonesia, and Paraguay as part of
climate change adaptation and climate-smart agriculture projects and
Session 1.5: Oral Presentation
Title: Co-production of knowledge for
Agricultural Adaptation: Using Climate Information and Crop Model outputs in
the Wine Industry and the Maipo Adaptation Plan
Authors: Francisco J Meza1, D. Morales1,
S. Orellana1, S. Vicuña1, and P. Flores2
1 Centro de Cambio Global. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,
2 Consorcio I+D Vinos de Chile
Abstract: With regards to risks for the
sustainability of the agricultural industry, climate change has been escalating
and it currently identified as one of the three major reasons for concern along
with price volatility and labor availability.
Adaptation plans require the generation of
information for scenario planning. Instead of top-down approaches that
establish a one way interaction, we believe that stakeholders’ involvement in
the generation of future scenarios and the testing of models are fundamental to
build trust on the tools that are used and to allow a more transparent
communication among sectors that face common challenges.
Over the last three years, the Centro de Cambio Global, has been carrying a
couple of projects that have been regarded as very successful. The first is the
generation of climatic information and the use of simple models for wine
suitability with the most important Chilean association of wine
producers. The second corresponds to the establishment of a general
adaptation plan for the Maipo basin with the direct participation of farmers,
water utility, mining, hydropower companies, the local government and the civil
society. Some of them have a long history of conflicts due to water use.
Here we present the most important features and
lessons learnt form a partnership that has been established between the
government, business and academic sectors.
11. Poster Presentation: Session 1.5
Title: Promoting regional collaboration for
agricultural research and development in Latin America: experiences from a
workshop on impact assessment and priority setting
Authors: Guy Hareau1, A. Petsakos1,
W. Pradel1, A. Devaux2, M. Ordinola1
1 International Potato Center (CIP-HQ), Peru, 2
International Potato Center (CIP-Equador), Ecuador
Abstract: A large number of public and private
initiatives exist nowadays in Latin America which aim to promote innovation in
the agricultural sector as a response to existing and future challenges on production
systems and nutritional security. To respond to this interest, the
International Potato Center (CIP) and the Learning Alliance of Peru, in
collaboration with the International Center of Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and
the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) organized a workshop
to share methods, experiences and results from ex-ante and ex-post impact
assessments of agricultural research relevant to the Latin America region. The
workshop was oriented towards decision makers in agricultural research and
development institutes, agricultural economists and social scientists working
on these topics in different countries in Latin America. Its objective was to
share recent results which generate evidence on the effectiveness of research-based
rural development interventions and to increase participants’ awareness on the
different state-of-the-art methods for modeling the impacts of new technologies
and climate change on social welfare, gender, and nutrition. The workshop
managed to bring together different actors and contributed to the
identification of institutional challenges which impede the collaboration and
the development of stronger linkages between the various institutions. It also
revealed research and development topics of common interest across different
countries and institutions which rank high in policy makers’ agendas and can
provide a solid foundation for a network of impact assessment practitioners in
the region.
12. Poster Presentation: Session 1.5
Title: Stakeholders’ Engagement in Indo-Gangetic
Basin: Challenges and Opportunities
Authors: Authors: Mohar S. Meena1, N. Subash2, H. Singh2, S. K. Singh1, W.L. Bartels3, and A. Sullivan4
1 ICAR-ATARI, 2 ICAR-IIFSR, 3 University of Florida, USA, 4 Bridgewater Consulting, South Africa
Abstract: The process of stakeholder engagement and creating dialogue aims to generate a concrete understanding that empowers, builds capacity and facilitates different modes of learning. The AgMIP aims to engage the stakeholders’ in Indo-Gangetic Basin (IGB) to make full use of scientific outputs at national, regional and local decision makers in strategic climate-related adaptation planning. A pyramid approach was applied to interact and sensitise the stakeholders about AgMIP and research results at national, state, district and farm levels. There is no ‘one size fits all’ model for stakeholder engagement. However, high influence and high power level stakeholders i.e., policy planners were focussed for influencing the decision making at higher level. Stakeholders’ engagement gives an opportunity to contribute the stakeholders as an expert in their field for policy and program development. Effective stakeholder engagement enables better planned and more informed policies, projects, programs and services. The paper/poster also narrates challenges and opportunities in the stakeholders’ engagement for consideration in AgMIP India plan.
13. Poster Presentation: Session 1.5
Title: Stakeholder Engagement:
It stands and falls with the quality of engagement
Authors: Hlamalani J. Ngwenya1 , O. Crespo2 , W.
Durand3 , T. Mpuisang4 , W. Tesfuhuney5 , A.
Fourie6 , and D. Cammarano7
1 Facilitation of Systemic Change
Consulting, South Africa, 2 University of Cape Town, South Africa, 3 Agricultural Research Council, South Africa, 4 Botswana College of Agriculture, Botswana, 5 University of Free State, South Africa, 6 Free State department of Agriculture and Rural
development, South Africa, 7 The
James Hutton Research Institute, Scotland
Abstract: Stakeholder
engagement has become a buzz word for many companies as a part of corporate
social responsibility. The concept is also gaining momentum in the research and
other development space. However, stakeholder engagement stands and falls with
the quality of engagement. The AgMIP project has introduced the stakeholder
Unit to facilitate the engagement process as a interface between the
researchers and relevant stakeholders. This poster will share the stakeholder
engagement experience of the South African Agricultural Model Intercomparison
and Improvement Project (SAAMIIP) with cases from South Africa and Botswana.
The aim is to shown how stakeholder engagement is seen beyond a ‘tick box’
exercise; but rather a well thought through process that compels the research
team to think together, plan together and make the best out of the process. It
will also show the mapping of the stakeholders engaged throughout the different
stages of the research process, how they find the information useful for
different purpose and how their contributions is shaping the research process.
Most importantly, how the articulation of the research key messages has evolved
and changed overtime as influenced by stakeholder engagement.
14. Poster Presentation: Session 1.5
Title: AgMIP-Pakistan Phase-II, A continued
journey of AgMIPization; Expectations of stakeholders and outcomes.
Authors: Fahd Rasul1 , A. Ahmad1 , M.
Ashfaq2 , S. A. Wajid1 , T. Khaliq1 , S.
Ahmad3 , K. Hussain1 , F. Riaz4 , and
G. Hoogenboom5
1 Department of Agronomy, University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad Pakistan, 2
Institute of agriculture and resource economics, University of Agriculture
Faisalabad, Pakistan, 3 Department of Agronomy, Bahauddin
Zakariya University, Pakistan, 4
Institute of home science, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan,
5 Institute for Sustainable Food Systems,
University of Florida,
Abstract: The popularization of AgMIP got a new
term for its outreach program and stakeholder liaison activities as
"AgMIPization". The first phase results gave birth to new questions
and triggered the idea of AGMIP protocols, the tools and the methodology
awareness to general stakeholders who became well aware owing to the strenuous
efforts put forth by AgMIP team. Several sessions on RAPs
(representative agricultural pathways) were held in the length and breadth of
Pakistan. Diversified experts shared their knowledge, opinions and perceived
possible outcomes from climate, crops and livelihood scenarios to short, medium
and long term impacts of climate change along with policy options and
recommendations. The sensitization of stakeholders directly involved in
crops and livestock was a major twist in activities. Key messages for the
policy recommendations were discussed and presented in outreach activities to
get a feedback for refining of the key messages. Meetings with subject
specialists, meteorologists and high ups in the agricultural research,
extension and education, bureaucrats and scientists from nationally reputed
research organizations were held keeping in view the possible deliverables to
farmers. Feedback results elucidated that farmers want simple solutions to
their localized problems in short term and regard the long term broader impacts
less valued, but still they remained hopeful that some good integrated work is
going on and trying to learn model interventions for precise information. More
number of people are sensitized on work of AgMIP with every rising sun and
specially gender based involvement and sensitization was a commendable effort
of AgMIP.